10 years of DEHÖK Environment Committee

10 years of DEHÖK Environment Committee

Everyone who contributed in some way to the success of the organization, together with the founding members, Alumni former and current members celebrated the jubilee number.

The DEHÖK Environment  Committee was established and formed on Japanese pattern on 9th  December 2009 and ever since continuously involving university citizens in its various nature-environment activities.

A commemorative brochure put together by the organizers which summarise the history of the committee, featured programs and projects, was given to the participants and also an oak-leafed shaped fridge magnet with the committee logo.

The program opening started with an instrumental musical piece followed by the festive speech of Körösparti Péter former DEHÖK president, current DEHDK President and inventor of the basic idea of the Environment Committee, Kövér László educational co-chair of the committee and Szentpéteri-Nagy Veronika current president of the committee.

After the greeting speech, participants were able to see an extended version of the report film by our committee member Krisztián Ferenc Fülöp, which in addition to the main committee activities also discussed the current community forging and environment protection challenges.

The committee’s co-operative partners and former leaders received memorials and awards as a sign of appreciation for the help received from them.

The evening was a perfect opportunity for long-seen acquaintances to recall the 10 years together, and share the gained experience in recent years with the current members.

The official program was followed by a pleasant dinner party and a cake-cut.

Last update: 2023. 07. 20. 16:38