Physicians meeting

Physicians meeting

The event began in the afternoon with a group photo, on the stairs of the Theoretical building. In the big lecture hall, we have listened with great respect and affection short summaries of the most important and personal events of the three decades after the common university years.

In the evening the members of the class attended a dinner at the Nagyerdei Restaurant, where they recalled their university experiences, remembering their former teachers and the outstanding events of their lives.

During the organization of the meeting, special emphasis was placed on making the news of the meeting as widely known as possible, therefore the invitations were sent to those to who for various reasons were not inaugurated as doctors in 1989. Few members of Dote class 1989 develop their medical activities within the country, but many of them abroad.

Many of those living and working abroad considered it important to return home for the meeting. Feedbacks from the event reflects that the time spent together provides real recharging and also strengthens the work of our colleagues in the various areas of health care.

The meeting was supported by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Debrecen and the Foundation for the Development of the University of Debrecen. We are grateful and we would like to thank the Alumni Community of the University of Debrecen and the Nagyerdei Restaurant for their kind contribution to the event.


Dr. Zoltán Papp

Last update: 2023. 07. 20. 16:38