Edit Nagyné Bíró instructor
Balásházy János Teacher Training Secondary School and Student Hostel, director
+36 52 518 690 / 74317
4014 Debrecen, Mezőgazdász utca 1.
Balásházy János Teacher Training Secondary School and Student Hostel, Main building, ground floor, 5 (Director’s office)
Emma Csiszárné Józsa instructor
Balásházy János Teacher Training Secondary School and Student Hostel, Deputy Director
+36 52 518 690 / 74316
4014 Debrecen, Mezőgazdász utca 1.
Balásházy János Teacher Training Secondary School and Student Hostel, Main building, ground floor, 9 ( )
Szilárd Ágoston Jávos instructor
Balásházy János Teacher Training Secondary School and Student Hostel, Deputy Director
+36 52 518 690 / 74320
4014 Debrecen, Mezőgazdász utca 1.
Balásházy János Teacher Training Secondary School and Student Hostel, Main building, ground floor, 9 ( )
Judit Sinayné Tar instructor
Balásházy János Teacher Training Secondary School and Student Hostel, Deputy Director
+36 52 518 690 / 74316
4014 Debrecen, Mezőgazdász utca 1.
Balásházy János Teacher Training Secondary School and Student Hostel, Main building, ground floor, 9 ( )
György János Adamik instructor
4014 Debrecen Manninger Gusztáv utca 4/B
Balásházy János Teacher Training Secondary School and Student Hostel, Animal husbandry classroom, ( )
Orsolya Aryné Kállai instructor

4014 Debrecen Mezőgazdász utca 1
Balásházy János Teacher Training Secondary School and Student Hostel, Main building, floor 1 (teachers’ room 28)
Attila Bakos instructor
4014 Debrecen Bánat utca 25
Balásházy János Teacher Training Secondary School and Student Hostel, Horticulture, educational building, ( )
Klára Balláné Lestyán instructor
4014 Debrecen, Mezőgazdász utca 1.
Balásházy János Teacher Training Secondary School and Student Hostel, Main building, floor 1, 103 ( )
Tímea Ágnes Barna instructor
4014 Debrecen, Mezőgazdász utca 1.
Balásházy János Teacher Training Secondary School and Student Hostel, Main building, ( )
+36 52 518 691
Julianna Bálega instructor
4014 Debrecen, Mezőgazdász utca 1.
Balásházy János Teacher Training Secondary School and Student Hostel, Main building, floor 1, 103 ( )
Erika Nagy instructor
4014 Debrecen, Mezőgazdász utca 1.
Balásházy János Teacher Training Secondary School and Student Hostel, Main building, floor 1, 121 (Hungarian teachers’ room)
Katalin Bikesicsné Ország instructor
4014 Debrecen, Mezőgazdász utca 1.
Balásházy János Teacher Training Secondary School and Student Hostel, Main building, ground floor, 16 ( )
Judit Gabriella Birki-Orosz instructor
4014 Debrecen, Mezőgazdász utca 1.
Balásházy János Teacher Training Secondary School and Student Hostel, Main building, ground floor, 4 ( )
Roland Buglyó instructor
4014 Debrecen, Mezőgazdász utca 1.
Balásházy János Teacher Training Secondary School and Student Hostel, Main building, floor 1, 121 ( )
Ernő Csetreki instructor
4014 Debrecen Manninger Gusztáv utca 4/B
Balásházy János Teacher Training Secondary School and Student Hostel, Mechanics practice room