Prof. Dr. György Vaszil professor
Department of Computer Science, head of department
+36 52 512 900 / 75110
4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
Faculty of Informatics building, floor 1, I110 (Lecturers’ room)
Dr. Péter Battyányi lecturer
+36 52 512 900 / 75115
4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
Faculty of Informatics building, floor 1, I115 (Lecturers’ room)
Dr. Csanád Bertók lecturer
Dr. Gyöngyi Bujdosó associate professor
+36 52 512 900 / 75112
4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
Faculty of Informatics building, floor 1, I112 (Lecturers’ room)
Dr. Mária Csernoch associate professor

+36 52 512 900 / 75117
4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
Faculty of Informatics building, floor 1, I117 (Lecturers’ room)
Dr. Attila Fazekas associate professor
+36 52 512 900 / 75116
4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
Faculty of Informatics building, floor 1, I116 (Lecturers’ room)
Dr. Carolin Hannusch lecturer
+36 52 512 900 / 75129
4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
Faculty of Informatics building, floor 1, I129 (Lecturers’ room)
Dr. Tamás Herendi associate professor

+36 52 512 900 / 75113
4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
Faculty of Informatics building, floor 1, I113 (Lecturers’ room)
Dr. Géza Horváth associate professor
+36 52 512 900 / 75114
4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
Faculty of Informatics building, floor 1, I114 (Lecturers’ room)
Dr. Tamás Kádek lecturer
+36 52 512 900 / 75115
4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
Faculty of Informatics building, floor 1, I115 (Lecturers’ room)
Szilvia Szeghalmy lecturer
+36 52 512 900 / 75116
4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
Faculty of Informatics building, floor 1, I116 (Lecturers’ room)