Józsefné Demjén buffet worker

+36 52 512 900 / 73962
4026 Debrecen, Arany János tér 1.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, Arany János tér building
Istvánné Ember main cook

+36 52 512 900 / 73962
4026 Debrecen, Arany János tér 1.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, Arany János tér building (canteen manager’s room)
Viktorné Hradeczky canteen leader

+36 52 512 900 / 73962
4026 Debrecen, Arany János tér 1.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, Arany János tér building