Anett Mocsár assistant

+36 52 411 717 / 54664
4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei körút 98
In Vitro Diagnostics Building, floor 1, 1.15.4
Csilla Emese Molnár assistant

+36 52 411 717 / 55499
4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei körút 98
In Vitro Diagnostics Building, floor 1, 1.24
Éva Molnár laboratory analysts
+36 52 411 717 / 56709
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Theoretical Building, floor 9, 902 (Haemostasis and cell growing laboratory)
+36 52 340 011 / 56844
Dr. Ágnes Mosolygó-Lukács clinical biochemist

+36 52 411 717 / 50048
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
In Vitro Diagnostics Building, floor 2, 5.1
+36 52 314 989
Ágnes Nagyné Koroknai assistant

+36 52 411 717 / 55829
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
In Vitro Diagnostics Building, floor 1, 1.23 (Integrated department)
Mrs Nagyné Judit Oláh clinical laboratory assistant

+36 52 411 717 / 55920
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
In Vitro Diagnostics Building, floor 1, 1.24 (Department of Haematology)
Alexandra Ágnes Nagy assistant

dr. Béla Nagy specialist
+36 52 411 717 / 50161
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
In Vitro Diagnostics Building, floor 2, 1.6.1
Dóra Anna Nagy graduate nurse

+36 52 411 717 / 54532
4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei körút 98
In Vitro Diagnostics Building, ground floor, 1.44
Erzsébet Nagy clinical laboratory assistant

+36 52 411 717 / 54197
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
In Vitro Diagnostics Building, floor 1, 1.25 (Haemostasis department)
Éva Nagy human genetic assistant

+36 52 411 717 / 55114
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
In Vitro Diagnostics Building, floor 2, 5.3
Dr. Gábor Nagy specialist
Mária Nagy special assistant

+36 52 411 717 / 55829
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
In Vitro Diagnostics Building, floor 1, 1.23 (Integrated department)
Melánia Nagy assistant

Tímea Nagy assistant

4026 Debrecen Bethlen utca 11-17
Outpatient Care Center (old building A of Bethlen clinic)