Dr. Krisztián Kádár resident
+36 52 411 717 / 56395
4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei körút 98
Pulmonology and Psychiatry Building, floor 1 (side B -examination room)
Dr. Boglárka Ágota Kántor resident
+36 52 411 717 / 54490
4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei körút 98
Pulmonology and Psychiatry Building, floor 1 (Side A, medical room)
Éva Kemecsei intensive care nurse
+36 52 411 600 / 54293
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Pulmonology and Psychiatry Building, ground floor (Department of Intensive Therapy)
Dr. Ferenc Ákos Király resident
+36 52 411 717 / 54490
4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei körút 98
Pulmonology and Psychiatry Building, floor 1 (side A -examination room)
Enikő Plesa graduate nurse
+36 52 255 284 / 55519
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Pulmonology and Psychiatry Building, floor 1 (Nurse counter)
Dr. Irén Kocsisné Páli graduate nurse
+36 52 411 600 / 54293
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Pulmonology and Psychiatry Building, ground floor
Erzsébet Kontra ICU nurse - health care supervisor
+36 52 411 600 / 54293
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Pulmonology and Psychiatry Building, ground floor
Tünde Nagy medical clerk
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Pulmonology and Psychiatry Building
Gábor Kovács nurse
+36 52 411 600 / 54293
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Pulmonology and Psychiatry Building, ground floor
Dr. Tamás Kovács resident
+36 52 411 717 / 56391
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98
Pulmonology and Psychiatry Building, floor 1 (side B)
Dr. Krisztina Kukuly resident
+36 52 411 717 / 54490
4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei körút 98
Pulmonology and Psychiatry Building, floor 1 (side A - medical room)
Dr. Miklós Kukuly lung medicine specialist
Mrs Sándorné Lengyel nurse
+36 52 411 600 / 55519
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Pulmonology and Psychiatry Building, floor 1
dr. Attila Lieber specialist
+36 52 411 600 / 54490
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Pulmonology and Psychiatry Building, floor 1
+36 52 255 222
Norbert Gergő Lingl patient attendant
+36 52 411 600 / 56740
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Pulmonology and Psychiatry Building, ground floor